Does wasting food just tick you right off?

And yet just struggle with how to use up odds and ends before they go bad.

Stop Wasting Food

...and get EXCITED to use up leftovers!

CLICK HERE to Save Money While Eating Delicious Food
I'd start with the best intentions...
BUT without a real idea on how I was going to use up our leftovers...
They languished until they became chicken food.
While that isnt a true waste...
That's not getting the most bang for my buck on my food dollars!

"There has yet to be a recipe of Kate's that we've tried and hasnt become our go-to. She has such a talent for stripping back the complexities in cooking, making even ambitious techniques, not only achievable, but fail safe" -Kat G

When I turned to recipes for ideas, I often just needed so many more ingredients to make it work!
Ingredients that were exotic, out of season, or had a short shelf life!

Where were the flexible formulas?

The things our Grandmothers surely cooked, using what they had on hand?

What you'll find in

Small Beginnings

-18 well tested recipes that easily customize to your taste and diet

- Stories of my Farming Firsts

-Inspiration to Get PUMPED to Use Up Leftovers

Multiple Casserole 'formulas' for using up a maximum amount of leftovers

(zero cream o' something soup and 100% gluten free)

Two Ice Cream recipes to wow your crew

(if ice cream is included in using up leftovers...I'm in)

Save that leftover juice from canned fruit for yourself...

(Mama's got a plan 💁‍♀️)

"Kate's recipes are heavy on flavour and convenience even while skipping the not so healthy convenience ingredients. Her recipes have quickly become family favourites and easy on me to make because they're adaptable to use what you have on hand" -Hannah F

Small Beginnings:

Starting Small, Saving Big

$19 USD

Stop Losing Track of Leftovers NOW

You start with the best intentions...

(But then a week later, the extra rice is 🤢)

You tried a recipe on Pinterest...

(and it was a poorly tested recipe flop)

When you've got a good repertoire of recipes up your sleeve, you don't forget about your leftovers; you get excited to use them up!

"But what if we can't eat gluten/dairy/etc?"

I aim to make my recipes as customizable as possible, not just for dietary sake, but because then you are flexible to use what you have on hand. There are very few that really need to stick with how they are (like the bread recipes...).

"But what if my family is picky?"

Girl, you and me both. I got you. 

Save Money 

The average family throws out $1866 in food a year, which works out to $35 a WEEK!

Skip Decision Fatigue

When you know you have excellent recipes to use up your leftovers...making meals takes less mental effort

Save Time

By making use of your leftovers, you don't need to make your full meal from scratch every single day!

Small Beginnings:

Starting Small, Saving Big

$19 USD

Buy Now

I am a busy mom with littles and Kate's recipes are simple to follow and use ingredients we have on hand. Thank you for helping me to nourish my family with delicious and manageable recipes!" -Ruth H