Deep in your soul, you are satisfied by
things you make with your own hands.
And yet? The decision fatigue on HOW to start new things is often paralyzing! Friend, I've got your back.
-You’ve got the garden but fermenting and pressure canning makes you nervous.
-You want to sew, but patterns make you overwhelmed.
– You’ve had a milk cow for years, but venturing beyond yogurt and butter just hasn’t happened.
–You want to bake your own bread, but understanding the process is hard.
–You’ve raised chickens for years but butchering them or cutting them up is over your head.
-You think making your own soap sounds amazing but surely lye is so dangerous you just can’t.
You were so excited to get started, bought the supplies, found the perfect cow, planted the seeds…but the next steps have you frozen with indecision.

The thing is, everyone has a different method, a different technique, and you don’t know who to trust. I thought I could google my way through figuring out all of the above but when I came across conflicting advice, I felt stuck.
Maybe you feel the same way?
"Kate's membership is sooo much more than just for homesteading moms. I am almost 70, a wife, mom of two, and grandma to 3 mostly grown kiddos. What I truly love about the membership is the grace with which Kate pulls me in with family and homestead life, recipes, remedies, and just pure living her life. It's the mix of all of it that I treasure. Some I literally relate to, some is familiar for lots of different reasons, and some is new to me. I garden, make do with what we have at times, sew, cook, preserve food we've both grown and purchased, and love to eat. I also work part time for my husband's small business. We have a total of 1/2 acre between 2 city lots. I've used tons of Kate's recipes, and plan to make soap via the video with her mom. Seriously I could go on...but you get the picture."

Maybe your first batch of kombucha went moldy.
Maybe you are tired of trying to find the perfect way, and just want to figure out what way will get the job done.
Maybe you’ve had pork fat sitting in your freezer waiting to be rendered because you’ve heard it’s hard.
(Maybe you get excited when you find a cool jar at a thrift store, but those around you could care less.)
Imagine if you could stop scouring the internet and go to one trusted resource. How much time and energy would that save you?
I used to feel so alone in my homesteading endeavours. No one in my life understood why I’d bother to make butter and can broth.

The way my brain works, I am always questioning if the ingredients in a recipe, the steps in a DIY, if, really, ANYTHING, someone says you must do…do I really HAVE to do this, to get my desired end result?
I’m not afraid to feed a loaf of bread to the chickens or have a round of cheese that the pigs enjoy. Failing is part of the process of me streamlining and nailing down what DOES and DOESN’T matter.
I discovered there is a lot of fluff that can be cut out of pretty much any process, and this gave me the confidence to take this approach in basically every area of my life.Â
I couldn’t help but share my excitement with these revelations. I was getting amazing, consistent end results with fewer steps and fewer fancy tools or ingredients.Â
Then, people started coming to me to ask for recipes and advice on all things homemade.

"I have learned, and am still learning, so much from Venison for Dinner! Kate and her family are truly inspiring! I live in a trailer park in town and have a very small yard. In the past I have just grown herbs and flowers but Kate has not only inspired me to start gardens and a berry patch, but we also just got 6 chickens! Kate's upbeatness and 'get this shit done' attitude is truly inspiring and enjoyable."

A community for those striving to live an intentional life and foster traditional skills, we will support your homesteading at any level.

A trusted resource for homesteaders who are ready to take the next step (wherever your homesteading or dreams are at, we’ll meet you there).
How to step around decision fatigue and start doing.
(no more buying books and courses that sit untouched)
Recipes + Resources in Kate’s signature no nonsense manner, designed just for you.
(stop playing Russian roulette on Pinterest)
Join others embracing their homemade life in a cookie cutter world.
(we’re your cheering squad!)

In Previous Months We've Focused on...
Upcoming Months to Get Excited About...

No Unnecessary Steps. No Fluff. No Nonsense. No BS.
That's my mission.
Occasionally, I bring on other experts in their fields so we can ALL learn

Crystal from Whole Fed Homestead
Crystal from Whole Fed Homestead walks us through her beautiful heirloom gardens and gives members all of the best gardening tips.

Jessica from Three Rivers Homestead
Jessica from Three Rivers Homestead is a mom of 7 in a family that cannot tolerate lactose. She gives members exclusive recipes to dairy-free foods!

Marissa Froese
Marissa and her family have been gluten-free for 11 years. She shows members how to have a gluten-free homestead! Take a walk through her gluten-free pantry and learn all the tricks!

It's my goal to inspire you to do the best you can, with what you have, where you're at. It's HomesteadingWwithout the BS

Dont mind me, just waitin’ here with my snacks for you to come join our fun club.